Reiki (pronounced Ray Kee) is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. It is defined as being the energy that exists in all living things. It is this energy which flows through the practitioners hands in concentrated form when sharing Reiki with a client. Today, Reiki is joining other therapies such as psychology, reflexology, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, acupressure in wellness centers,hospitals, hospices, counseling centers, extended care homes, emergency rooms and intensive care units around the world. Reiki is an ancient, hands-on healing art with origins in the Tibetan sutras. It has been used for hundreds of years by individuals to help recharge, realign and rebalance Life Force Energy in the body. Reiki energy is also called “Chi” by the Chinese, “Prana” by the Hindus, “Manna” by the Kahunas and “Bioplasmic Energy” by Russian researchers. Using electronic, thermal and radioactive testing, modern research has proven that this energy and its energy pathways exist in all living things.
Reiki is not a religion, therefore it does not conflict with one’s current beliefs. One does not need to believe in Reiki for it to be effective. All that is required is for the client to agree to receive Reiki along with a desire to release stress and to become relaxed. Reiki is a very safe healing modality suitable for everyone. It is a very loving and pleasant, holistic method of healing.
Reiki can:
• Enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself by positively affecting the immune system
• Promote spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental well being
• Balance the body’s energies.
• Encourage the release of disease in the mind, body and spirit.
• Promote a state of deep relaxation
• Help the body rid itself of toxins
• Increase and stimulate creativity
• Help develop conscious awareness
Reiki, as with other alternative health practices, is meant to compliment the body’s own innate ability to care for itself. Reiki enables and encourages the body in its own natural work and healing ability. Reiki does not replace conventional medical treatment, but compliments it.
To learn to use Reiki, one must be taught by a Reiki Master. Students receive an attunement from the Reiki Master which connects them to the Source of Reiki and enables them to work with greater amounts of Universal Life Force Energy. This fine-tunes the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibratory level. In class, the student also learns more about Reiki, its history and how to focus this loving energy.
Barb Weston received her Reiki training from Reiki Masters David Pilz and Rick Rivard. Barb is Vice President of the Canadian Reiki Association where she is registered as a practitioner and teacher. She is a registered member of the BC Therapeutic Touch Network.
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